Role of the Board
The Board of Directors of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Clarington (BBBSC) is morally and legally responsible for all activities of the Agency, which are governed by its mission statement and goals. The Board holds ultimate responsibility for: approving the annual budget; approving, assessing and revising Agency policy and programs; and determining the strategic direction of the Agency.
Key Board Member Responsibilities
- Together with the Executive Director, establish the strategic direction, mission, goals, objectives and priorities of BBBSC.
- Ensure that the organization meets legal requirements for the conduct of the organization’s business and affairs, including maintaining an official record (minutes), regular attendance at Board and assigned committee meetings, and ensuring Board continuity.
- Adopt by-laws and ensure that BBBSC operates within them. Recommend revisions to the by-laws as appropriate.
- Adopt policies that determine the purposes, governing principles, functions, activities and courses of action of BBBSC.
- Regularly evaluate and review BBBSC organizational effectiveness and ensure standards of performance are maintained by regularly evaluating activities and achievements against specific goals and objectives.
- Monitor the activities of BBBSC including: reviewing committee reports; confirming, considering proposals; counseling, considering, debating and providing good judgment in decision making.
- Understand the work of BBBSC and ensure that it is communicated to the community through liaison and communication with local community groups and government representatives.
- Ensure sound financial management of the Agency, by reviewing and approving annual budgets of income and expenditure, ensuring the availability of necessary funds and being accountable to funding sources and the public through sound fiscal controls.
- Make a personal financial commitment to BBBSC by a monthly membership donation.
- Attend all Board meetings (approximately 10 each year held virtually on the 3rd Tuesday of the month).
- Chair or participate in one Board Task Force
- Review relevant material prior to Board and Task Force meetings.
- Become familiar with the work of BBBSC by attending an orientation for new Board members and the BBBSC National Standard volunteer training.
- Support the strategic direction of the Board by supporting the areas of emphasis or focus of the organization by committing to at least six of the following:
Programs and Services
- Participate in key organizational BBBSC events such as the Annual General Meeting and at least one Big Bunch (events for Bigs and Littles)
Volunteer Recruitment, Development and Recognition
- Attend BBBSC’s annual volunteer recognition event.
- Attend at least one organizational event as an ambassador of the Board.
- Make stewardship calls to donors.
Marketing and Promotion
- Represent BBBSC in the community at every opportunity.
- Actively promote opportunities for engagement to potential new donors, or new volunteers
Fund Development
- Support and if possible, attend all fundraising events of the agency.
- Sell tickets to BBBSC fund raising events and identify potential event sponsors.
- Become a monthly donor.
Organizational Effectiveness
- Participate in planning, evaluation and consultation activities.
- Inform BBBSC of opportunities for partnerships in the community.
- Participate in the annual Board Assessment process.