Foster meaningful connections through our community of 4,000+ members


Joining VersaFi means connecting with the most extensive community of women finance professionals across the country, with a significant presence in six major city centers. Our national scope provides unique opportunities for networking and community building with peers who share your career experiences and aspirations.

Benefits of a VersaFi Membership: 

Membership is open to professional women, gender-diverse individuals and male allies. Student memberships for women are also available, from high-school through to post-graduate level. Join VersaFi today and become part of a powerful network dedicated to your professional growth and the advancement of women in finance. 

Membership options include individual, group rate and partnership opportunities.

Exclusive Member-Only Programs and Events

Engage in unique, member-only programs and events tailored to your professional needs and ambitions. They provide great opportunities to strengthen your network, make new connections, and build your skills.

Our events are held in person and virtually in communities across the country.

Top-Tier Professional Development

Access member only, industry-leading professional development opportunities, including coaching, mentorship, and sessions led by industry experts. Our programs support women throughout every stage of their career journey.

Join our inclusive mentorship program (professional or student), offering guidance from experienced professionals to help navigate and advance your career. 

Cutting-Edge Research, Insights and Tools

Access in-depth, curated research reports & toolkits, and best practices on gender equity and related topics. Members also have an opportunity to participate in our research studies.

Explore volunteer opportunities with VersaFi



Male allies of all ages and career stages are welcome to join the VersaFi community. Although our programs are for women only, our male allies are encouraged to:

  • Attend our networking events
  • Participate as a mentor in our Mentorship Program(s)
  • Access our research reports and toolkits to help drive change at their organizations
  • Nominate someone or be nominated for one of our awards!

Membership is effective for one year from the date your payment is processed. For renewals, your membership will be automatically renewed for one year from your membership expiry date, unless you select the ‘Do Not Auto Renew’ option when registering. If your renewal is received after your membership has expired, your new expiration date will be one year from the date of renewal.

Join VersaFi

Create your account
1. Choose your membership
2. Create your account
Choose your membership
200.00 (plus tax)
VersaFi Ally
195.00 (plus tax)
Post-Graduate student
125.00 (plus tax)
Post-Secondary student
25.00 (plus tax)
High School student
Create your account
Create your account
VersaFi Ally
Create your account
Post-Graduate student
Create your account
Post-Secondary student
Create your account
High School student

Join VersaFi today and become part of a powerful network dedicated to your growth and the advancement of women in finance.

Membership options include individual, group rate and partnership opportunities.


Have questions about Membership? Contact Krysta Celestine-Barker, Manager, Member Relations, at to learn more!