Combine Your Education with the Power of Experience

The Heather L. Main Memorial Scholarship is a comprehensive $25K scholarship, capital marketssummer internship, bespoke coaching and WCM membership program for female graduatestudents. It honours the memory of a trail-blazing woman in Canadian capital markets. Since beingestablished in 1998, it has positioned nearly a hundred highly qualified women to excel in theCanadian capital markets, while broadening the talent pool for the industry. Benefits of the programinclude: building practical skills and gaining valuable capital markets experience, networking withindustry leaders, financial assistance towards the MBA tuition, and customized leadership trainingand/or executive coaching.


Heather L. Main was one of the few women in finance on Bay Street in the 1980s. After obtaining a law degree from Osgoode Hall Law School and being called to the Bar in Ontario, Heather entered the corporate finance department at one of Bay Street’s premier investment banks. She helped lead a wave of innovative financings in the mid-’80s and also served in the corporate finance branch of the Ontario Securities Commission.
In May 1989, Heather was killed in a car accident with her husband and mother. She is remembered for her brilliance, generosity, and dedication to providing support to those around her. Heather served as a role model and mentor to many women who worked with her.



Education Required:

Current full-time 2-year MBA or joint MBA/LL.B student

Salary Range:

Not Specified

Position description


  • $25,000 cash award
  • Paid summer internship at a leading investment dealer
  • Leadership training and/or executive coaching
  • One-year mentorship program
  • One-year WCM student membership



The scholarship is currently available to full-time 2-year MBA or joint MBA/LL.B female students at the following business schools:

  • DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University
  • Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University
  • Schulich School of Business, York University
  • Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto


Bank of Montreal $250,000
CIBC World Markets $250,000
Merrill Lynch Canada Inc. (BAML) $250,000
RBC Dominion Securities / RBC Financial Group Foundation $250,000
The Scotiabank Group of Companies $250,000
TD Bank Financial Group $250,000
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP $50,000


Required skills / Experience


  • Female students enrolled in a first-year full-time MBA program or a third-year full-timejoint MBA/LLB program at a participating university
  • Demonstrated interest in the capital markets, academic excellence, community involvement and leadership capabilities
  • Paid summer internships to be served immediately before the final year of MBAor MBA/LLB studies; the applicant must be available for the full four months (i.e., May-August) to complete her summer internship
Heather L. Main Memorial Scholarship

How to Apply


Applications are to be submitted to eligible universities in the Fall.

Please contact the recruitment office at the participating business schools for more information.