Research and Reports

Our research philosophy is grounded in a commitment to actionable change within the finance sector. We strive to be agents of positive transformation, convening industry stakeholders and leaders in advocating for a more equitable and inclusive finance sector.

Explore VersaFi’s dynamic research landscape, encompassing in-house studies, collaborative projects with industry partners, and commissioned research from third-party vendors. We deliver comprehensive insights that empower informed decision-making. Discover our reports which reflect our commitment to comprehensive analysis and strategic insights in the realms of finance and gender equity.

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Gender parity
Women in Wealth: Retaining & Advancing Women Investment Advisors in Wealth Management

Financial institutions that effectively address the gender gap in wealth management and investment advising stand to significantly benefit from the impending wealth transfer.  

Our Glossary

Our searchable A-Z Glossary provides definitions for a wide variety of phrases/terms relating to workplace equity.

Gender parity
Women in Wealth: Retaining & Advancing Women Investment Advisors in Wealth Management

Financial institutions that effectively address the gender gap in wealth management and investment advising stand to significantly benefit from the impending wealth transfer.  

Gender parity
Les Femmes en Gestion de Patrimoine: La rétention et l’avancement des conseillères en placements

Les institutions financières qui s’attaquent efficacement à l’écart entre les sexes dans la gestion de patrimoine et le conseil en investissement bénéficieront considérablement du transfert de richesse imminent.

Gender parity
Attracting Women and Gender-Diverse Students to Wealth Management

Women’s wealth is growing rapidly in Canada, and with it comes the need for advisors who understand their priorities.  And yet, only 15-20% of financial advisors are women. So why aren’t more women stepping into these roles?

Le projet Affinité: l’état actuel de l’équité entre les sexes dans les services bancaires d’investissement au Canada

Gender parity
Project Affinity: The Current State of Gender Equity in Canadian Investment Banking

A recent study by VersaFi explores the persistent gender equity challenges within the Canadian investment banking sector. The survey results demonstrate that systemic barriers remain, hindering women’s recruitment, retention, and advancement in the sector.

L’intersectionnalité en Action: Guide Théorique et Pratique

Qu’est-ce que l’intersectionnalité? L’intersectionnalité est la reconnaissance du fait que chaque individu a des identités sociales multiples dont les intersections et les interactions influent sur ses expériences, ses avantages et ses désavantages au sein de la société

Intersectionality in Action: A Guide on Understanding & Practicing Intersectionality

Download our free guide, developed by VersaFi’s Research & Advocacy team on understanding intersectionality in the workplace and putting equitable practices in place.

2022 Diversity Disclosure Practices: Diversity and leadership at Canadian public companies

Workplace Flexibility
The Future of Work in Finance

VersaFi (formerly WCM)’s The Future of Work in Finance report provides a snapshot of employee experiences with remote work in the pandemic specific to Canadian finance and offers targeted recommendations for organizations to support building equitable and productive hybrid work models.