Board Ready Directory

Our Directory of Canadian board ready women serves as a resource for Board Chairs, recruiters and senior leaders to identify and locate women qualified to sit on public, crown, private and not-for-profit Boards of Directors. Help increase gender diversity on your Board today.

See our Board Ready Candidates

Looking to ensure you have gender equity on your board? Explore our Directory of qualified women seeking Board roles across the country. The list has been compiled by highly experienced industry professionals from across Canada.

Harleen Bains
Jenifer Bartman
Amanda Bassin
Diana Bristow
Hilary Brown
Rosanna Bruni
Samantha Cheung
Tanya Covassin
Anca Drexler
Martha Fell
Samhita Gera
Geri Greenall
Janine Guenther
Catherine Heath
Ayesha Hira
Sheryl Holmes
Heather-Anne Irwin
Mari Jensen
Sue Lemon
Stacey McDonald
Caroline Miller
Binah Nathan
Michelle Ostermann
Rebecca Pang
Priya Patil
Dee Patterson
Alana Riley
Mary Robertson
Sandra Rosch
Sandrine Siewe
Ying Soong
Camilla Sutton
Donna Toth
Marie-Josee Turmel
Mary Vitug

Candidate Criteria

VersaFi Board-ready candidates must meet some or all of the following criteria.

An undergraduate, professional designation and/or graduate degree
High level of competence
Two credible nominations
Minimum of 15 years experience in/related to finance sector
Minimum of five years experience in senior leadership roles
Formal governance certification or designation from accrediting institution
Prior experience serving on a Board

Application Process

To nominate a candidate, or to submit your own application to our Board-ready list, please send the following to


  • Complete the VersaFi Board-ready Directory application form
  • Two nomination letters
  • Your resume
  • A professional headshot

Nominees must be a VersaFi member.

June 30 and December 30 annually
Submissions accepted year-round; but reviewed every six months by the Committee.

New Inductees are announced in early September and March each year.

Improve gender diversity in Canada’s boardrooms:

Spread the word with fellow board members, senior leaders and prospective candidates.

Nominate or encourage qualified, board-ready women to apply

Share and promote the Board Ready Directory on your social media channels

Current board roles available

Board roles available to women in Canadian public, private, crown and not-for-profit organizations.

Entry-level Mid-level Not specified Senior-level

Sorry, there are no available jobs.

Increase gender diversity on your Board; post a role today!

Take advantage of our growing list of qualified Board ready candidates.