Unlocking the Power of Relationships

VersaFi’s Post-Secondary Mentorship Program pairs young women and gender-diverse undergraduate and graduate students with a professional currently working in the finance sector. Students gain valuable insights, guidance and advice from their mentors that will help set their careers in motion.

Mentees will be paired with one mentor (male or female) for a 6 month period. These meetings can be held virtually or in person, and will allow protégées to discuss a wide range of topics that may include:

  • A view into a career in finance
  • A day in the life of an Analyst/ Associate etc.
  • Skill building for success
  • Networking – building and maintaining a network; the etiquette of networking
  • Navigating the interview and recruiting process

Mentees can apply here.

Mentors can apply here.

Eligibility and application process

Mentees have a unique opportunity to gain advice, sector knowledge and guidance from professionals in Canadian finance. Mentors support mentee’s skill development, grow their networks and leverage their experience so they can be prepared to succeed in their capital markets careers. The rewards of this formative relationship are timeless.

Mentee eligibility:
  • Must be a  VersaFi post-secondary member;
  • Must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a Canadian university/ college;
  • Must have a demonstrated interest in finance;
  • Must be available for monthly meetings with your assigned mentor.

Mentee Application Form

*The program is open to students across Canada. Due to the geographically concentrated nature of the sector, geographic proximity between mentors and mentees may not always be feasible but will be prioritized wherever possible.

Mentors have the opportunity to give back and support the next generation of women in finance. A mentorship relationship fosters the growth, learning and development of a mentee that can impact their personal, academic and professional life for years to come.

Mentor eligibility:
  • Must have at least 1 year of finance experience;
  • Must be currently employed;
  • Must be available for monthly meetings with your assigned mentee.
Mentee Application Components:
  • Completed application form
  • Proof of Enrolment at a Post-Secondary Institution for Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 semesters
Mentor Application Components:

Successful candidates will be contacted via e-mail following the application close date.

Current Program:
  • May 1, 2024: Applications open
  • August 1, 2024: Applications close
  • Late August 2024: Successful candidates notified
  • Mid-September 2024: Program Kick-off

Other Programs

Job Shadow Day | High School Students

Since 2004, VersaFi has invited young women and gender-diverse senior high school students with an interest in business to spend a day in the Canadian financial district.

Heather L. Main Memorial Scholarship

The Heather L. Main Memorial Scholarship is a comprehensive $25K scholarship, Capital Markets summer internship, bespoke coaching and VersaFi membership program for women who are graduate students.