Intersectionality in Action: A Guide on Understanding & Practicing Intersectionality

Download our free guide, developed by VersaFi’s Research & Advocacy team on understanding intersectionality in the workplace and putting equitable practices in place.

2022 Diversity Disclosure Practices: Diversity and leadership at Canadian public companies
The Equity Equation

The Equity Equation is an industry-wide analysis of employee experiences in Canada’s finance industry, looking at how personal identities including gender, race and sexual orientation, impact experiences at work. The report includes a new, innovative roadmap to equity, diversity and inclusion, and is a must-read for any professional or firm looking to advance ED&I. The findings are based on survey data collected in 2019 from 600 professionals in Canada’s capital markets.

Targets: Capital markets are ready

VersaFi (formerly WCM)’s research on representation targets for women and racialized persons confirms that support for targets, written policies and term limits has increased materially since the implementation of the OSC’s Comply or Explain. A survey of 500 capital markets professionals reveals the majority of respondents are strongly in favour of targets for executive and board roles and amending legislation to support rapid diversification of corporate boards.

Work and Well-being Through COVID-19 and Beyond
The Design of Everyday Men

Why haven’t we cracked the code yet on gender equality in leadership? Deloitte set out to reframe the issue starting from an unlikely source: the perspective of men.

Missing Pieces Report: The 2018 Board Diversity Census of Women and Minorities on Fortune 500 Boards

“This multiyear study published by the Alliance for Board Diversity (ABD), provides powerful metrics on the slow change of diversity in the boardroom, and may help encourage corporate boards to continue to embrace the benefits of diverse board composition. Though still a slow pace in relation to the rapidly shifting demographics in the US, the shifts point towards greater diversity in America’s board rooms.”

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