A recent study by VersaFi explores the persistent gender equity challenges within the Canadian investment banking sector. The survey results demonstrate that systemic barriers remain, hindering women’s recruitment, retention, and advancement in the sector.
In October 2016, the Government of Canada made a commitment to table new, pay equity legislation until the end of 2018. In research for this legislation, the government surveyed over 40 stakeholders who broadly supported the principle of pay equity. This report is a compilation of the responses gathered, reflecting the current attitudes and statistics regarding equal pay in Canada.
This Catalyst Quick Take summarises data and findings from a large body of research on the benefits of diversity. It focuses on the topics of Talent, Innovation & Group Performance, Reputation & Responsibility, and Financial Performance.
This study of diversity in the workplace reaffirms the global relevance of the link between diversity. Results include: The relationship between diversity and business performance persists; Both gender and ethnic/cultural diversity contribute to higher profitability; and The penalty for bottom-quartile performance on diversity persists.
Catalyst has produced a report detailing the gender wage gap of select OECD countries. Australia, Canada, and the U.S. are featured more prominently, with the U.S. section including a breakdown of racial factors on earnings. The report states that the global gender wage gap will not close until 2186 at its continued rate.
Using primarily annual data from the 2016 Labour Force Survey, this report examines women’s labour market trends and how they have evolved over time. Canadian women’s experiences are also compared against other G7 countries, and divided along personal characteristic lines such as education attained, province, and marital status.