News releases Tue 18 Jun.
VersaFi célèbre l’action résolue de leaders pour accélérer le progrès vers l’équité entre les sexes avec son palmarès des Champion·nes du changement
VersaFi (anciennement WCM) a le plaisir d’annoncer son palmarès 2024 des Champion·nes du changement. Ces 20 personnes seront à l’honneur le mardi 25 juin, à l’occasion d’un gala tenu à Toronto pour souligner leur dévouement à faire progresser l’équité au sein de leur entreprise et dans l’ensemble du secteur financier.
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News releases Tue 18 Jun.
VersaFi celebrates leaders’ bold action in accelerating progress for gender equity with Champion of Change Award
VersaFi (formerly WCM) is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2024 Champions of Change Award. These 20 individuals will be honoured on Tuesday, June 25 at a gala event in Toronto, for their dedication to advancing equity within their firms and across the finance sector.
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Industry news and Information Wed 12 Jun.
VersaFi launches Intersectionality Guide to help address systemic inequalities and discrimination in finance sector
VersaFi (formerly WCM) released Intersectionality in Action: A Guide on Understanding & Practicing Intersectionality to provide professionals working in the finance sector with a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted dimensions of human identity and experiences. The goal is to help foster a more inclusive and equitable community.
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News releases Tue 04 Jun.
Susciter le changement : Women in Capital Markets se donne une nouvelle image et devient VersaFi
Le plus vaste réseau de femmes du secteur financier canadien intensifie ses efforts pour accélérer le progrès vers l’équité entre les sexes TORONTO (Ontario) (le 4 juin 2024) – Women in Capital Markets (WCM), une force d’avant-garde pour la défense de l’équité entre les sexes dans le secteur financier, est fière d’annoncer sa nouvelle image de marque, VersaFi […]
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News releases Tue 04 Jun.
Empowering Change: Women in Capital Markets Rebrands to become VersaFi
Largest network of women in Canadian finance expands efforts to accelerate progress for gender equity
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News releases Wed 22 May.
WCM Announces 2024-2025 National Board of Directors Slate
During WCM’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 22, 2024, the slate of National Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 term was announced. All but one Director, Deland P. D. Kamanga, Group Head, BMO Wealth Management, will remain for another term. Mr. Kamanga, although stepping down from the Board, will continue to serve and advise WCM as a member of its Advisory Council. 
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Industry news and Information Tue 20 Feb.
WCM Return-to-Work Program Provides Structured Pathway for Participants, and Strategic Investment in Talent for Sponsors
2024 Return to Bay Street Program Sees 18 New Hires
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News releases Tue 30 Jan.
WCM Names Recipients of its 2024 Executive Leaders Program Which Focuses on Accelerating Women’s Careers in Finance
EN: Toronto, ON (January 30, 2024) – Despite ongoing efforts to achieve true equity in the workplace, many senior-level women continue to face challenges and barriers that prevent them from accelerating their careers and taking on more advanced positions. WCM’s Executive Leaders Program, created to address this issue head-on within the financial sector, today named the 17 […]
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